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Workshops | DAY 3 - Thursday, 2 December 2021

This conference will follow Singapore time (GMT+8) and all content will be available for 30 days after the event. 
8:45 am
Opening Keynote Presentation: Effectively Leading Change During Difficult Times

Why do we resist change as we grow older. How can we nurture and develop an organisational culture that embraces change and encourages collaboration?

Richard examines why change has become increasingly challenging and how risk aversion can stifle individuals and organisations. He explores how to harness the power of creativity, curiosity and confidence in uncertain times and why we must shift the paradigm to understand that change is not a programme or a strategy but an ever-present organic part of the 21st Century.

Richard Gerver
Richard Gerver
Award-Winning Speaker, Bestselling Author and World-Renowned Thinker
9:30 am
Workforce & CPD Workshop: Trust-Based Observations - Maximising Teaching and Learning Growth

It is widely agreed that current observation practices do not improve teaching and learning, but rather hinder teacher risk-taking. In this session, Craig Randall, will explore how to engage with observation as a supportive tool for teacher learning, which combines empathy and growth mindset to create a powerful system for professional collaboration that enables teacher growth and an empowered professional community.

Key learning points will include:

  • How to design and implement a framework that places teacher growth at the centre of the teacher evaluation process in your school
  • How to lead observations based on trust, relationships, and efficient feedback
  • Discovering alternatives to evaluative grading of pedagogy which focuses on individual teacher strength and promotes growth innovation in teaching and learning
Craig Randall
Craig Randall
Counselor, Coach, Trainer, Educator and Author
Trust-Based Observations: Maximizing Teaching and Learning Growth
10:30 am
20 Minute Break
10:50 am
Leadership & Management Masterclass: Setting the Climate for Financial Success in International Schools

So what can you do to create a school that creates a climate where all stakeholders work together to promote financial success? Having inherited deficit budgets in two schools, Dr. Gregory Hedger was successful in bringing them back to healthy reserves. He also established a positive cash flow in a new school start up within two years.  Working in partnership with Cameron Janzen at three schools, the pair have identified procedures to ensure a level of success with financial management in international schools.

Key learning points will include

  • Recognizing your responsibility as a school leader to provide guidance, create a culture of sustainability, and ensure clarity of roles
  • Information and financial silos and their impact on financial success
  • The importance of investing In financial information resources
  • Establishing predictability while maintaining flexibility to address unexpected events
Dr Gregory Hedger
Dr Gregory Hedger
The International School Yangon, Myanmar
Cameron Janzen
Cameron Janzen
Chief Operating Officer
The International School Yangon, Myanmar
11:50 am
20 Minute Break
12:10 pm
Wellbeing & Inclusion Masterclass: Championing Mental Health and Wellbeing Across the Whole-School

As the recipient of the ISC Wellbeing Initiative Award 2021, Rami Madani, Head of the International School of Kuala Lumpur will share his school’s journey in creating a community-wide approach to mental health support and wellbeing.

Key learning points will include:

  • How to create a school-wide approach to social and emotional health by creating an open and safe community, and nurturing the wellbeing of students, parents and staff
  • How to encourage and prioritise physical education to enhance mental health and wellbeing, as well as reduce stress and anxiety
  • How to address the unique needs of students in a way that has a positive impact on wellbeing
Rami Madani
Rami Madani
Head of School
International School of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1:10 pm
20 Minute Break
1:30 pm
Workshop: Building an Equitable and Inclusive School Culture

In this practical, interactive and reflective workshop, Sarah Kupke, Head of Professional Learning at ECIS, will discuss and share best practice around Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ).

School leaders will explore and understand the tools and resources available to them to promote and effect change within their international schools, and work towards equal and just practices.

Sarah Kupke
Sarah Kupke
Head of Professional Learning
Education Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS)
2:30 pm
Close of Conference

*Programme subject to change