Speak to schools

Some of the largest groups of schools in the world are in attendance and they expect to see expert partners with highly specialised services for the education sector. If you have worked with schools in the Gulf or have the capacity to do so in future, we’d like to hear from you.

Influence the narrative

If you are able to direct the conversation, either presenting case studies, joining a panel discussions, leading a roundtable or a comprehensive 2 hour workshop, then talk to us. Note that each of the conference streams is targeted at a slightly different audience so you can tailor your content accordingly.

1-to-1 meetings with school leaders

All sponsors will be supported to conduct qualified meetings with schools. We can help set up meetings for you with schools according to their curricula or type. Our platform allows you to contact attending senior leaders, finance directors, principals, IT managers, teachers, inclusion leaders all pre-event, during the event and post-event. Our AI tech will give you the most appropriate meeting suggestion.

In addition, we can even support you in directly qualifying and setting up guaranteed 1-to-1 meetings at the show.

Pre-Event marketing and lead generation

Once your content has been tailored and worked into the conference agenda, we can go about promoting this in our general marketing campaigns to your most appropriate audience within our database. This allows you to warm up your most relevant audience and invite them to join your presentation, roundtable or workshop.

Why Sponsor?

  • Share a platform with some of biggest names in education
  • Engage with some of the largest school groups in the world
  • Present to (or lead discussion with) the most relevant schools audience, be it principals and managers, teachers or inclusion & wellbeing professionals
  • Target the most relevant schools pre-event to secure their attendance at your sessions, awareness of your services and to book 1-to-1 meetings
  • Execute qualified meetings during the conference
  • Work through challenges directly with practitioners offering your own tools and templates by running your own workshop
  • Brand awareness with banner ads during all 3 conferences or alternatively target specific audiences and job titles to receive personalised adverts
  • Ongoing lead generation with access to all attendees pre-event, during and post-event for 30 days

Please register your interest by emailing enquiries@OutstandingSchools.com or by filling out the form below: