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Whether legislative, economic or social, the public sector must effectively manage and adapt to change.

In order to ensure change is successfully embedded, senior public sector managers and leaders must take into account organisational culture and behaviour. A lack of a clear strategy or understanding can hinder change, rather than allow it to flourish.

This Enabling Effective Cultural Change course will give you the knowledge and skills to adapt behaviours and culture to embed change within your organisation.

trainer photo

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand what is meant by culture and how it can affect change in an organisation
  • Develop a leadership culture that positively influences staff, utilising the practice of emotional decision-making
  • Determine the culture of your organisation
  • Identify your organisation’s ideal culture for implementing change
  • Explore the impact culture has upon behaviour
  • Develop an action plan to implement effective changes

In-House Option



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09:15 - 09:45


09:45 - 10:15

An Introduction to Culture

  • Understand what is meant by culture
  • Establish how culture affects change in your organisation
10:15 - 11:00

Identify the Culture of Your Organisation

  • Determine what creates and reinforces the culture of your organisation using the Cultural Web
  • Utilise the cultural dimensions matrix to further explore the existing culture
11:00 - 11:15

Morning Break

11:15 - 12:00

Designing an Effective Culture

  • Establish your organisation’s ideal culture for implementing change
  • Use tools to design an effective culture
12:00 - 12:45

Explore the Link between Culture and Behaviour

  • Examine the impact culture has upon behaviour
  • Encourage staff to look at their own behaviour and influence the culture
12:45 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:00

Understanding Behavioural Economics

  • Consider why we behave the way we do
  • Develop a leadership culture that influences staff to exhibit positive behaviours
14:00 - 14:45

Emotions, Culture and Behaviour

  • Explore eight areas of emotional decision making in the context of cultural and behavioural change
  • Understand how these areas impact upon decision making and how they can develop leadership styles that influence cultural change
14:45 - 15:00

Afternoon Break

15:00 - 16:00

Leading Cultural Change

In this session, delegates will recap on areas of cultural development identified during the day.

  • Identify key changes to be adopted within your organisation
  • Develop a structured action plan of how to implement change
16:00 - 16:15

Feedback, Evaluation & Close